sudofox's journal

Austin Burk's journal, where I share little snippets of my writing, code, and dreams.

Oops, all sourcemaps!

Reverse engineering


Yeah, it's a pretty badly done Twitter clone by some ex-trump administration person. whoops, they left sourcemaps on. all your source is belong to me!


I got the drawing tablet I ordered, but it came without a pen. It didn't say it didn't have the pen in the listing...but then again it didn't say it did either.

But I was talking to a friend of mine and she was like HEY LET ME SEND U MY OLD ONE and i'm like WHAAAA and she's like YEAH TOTALLY and i'm like



ily purin


I'm home now. I'm working on spraying down the basement where it was flooded for a long time to avoid mildew.