sudofox's journal

Austin Burk's journal, where I share little snippets of my writing, code, and dreams.

Efficient day at work, with some bird-spotting.

Entry for August 6th, 2021


I had a dream where I convinced my dad to allow me to go with him to Japan along with another friend. So we all got on motorcycles and, after a lot of preparation, drove for a while until we reached the parking lot where we were waiting for someone to come along to take our stuff to the airport while we went separately, I'm not sure why this was the case but they never showed up. Eventually I fell asleep inside of the dream and woke up to see them leaving without me. Then I woke up in real life.


My parent's cat, Tanner, was sleeping next to me.


Morning before work


I put up my feet and Tanner decided to join me. My parents have a lovely porch area, so I sat out there for a little while.


I set up my laptop and did remote work. The environment was much nicer than my home, so things were completed much more efficiently. I also saw some birds outside.




House-sitting again

Entry for August 5th, 2021


After work I went over to my parents house to house-sit while they're on a vacation. It's very peaceful and nice there.


The deep sense of loneliness that I have every so often has returned, and I was really struggling for a lot of the day with a lot of worries and wonders about my purpose in the world.



Spinach pizza


VICTORY! The blocking of cross-origin iframe dialogs has been rolled back until at least 2022!

This entry is for August 4th, 2021


I'm super-delighted to say that (along with other people in the industry) we've been able to get the Chromium team to delay the changes for native dialogs from cross-origin iframes until at least January of 2022!

Thanks everyone for the feedback. We have decided to postpone this deprecation until at least January 2022 to give us time to do more outreach and propose alternatives to sites that rely on this behavior, and to give website owners more time to explore alternatives.

We will provide an update once we have a set milestone/date to re-enable the deprecation.

 This means that Hatena Star will start working again! (or continue, as this news came a few days after they rolled it back temporarily). I feel really proud because I put a lot of time into commenting on these threads and such and feel like I (along with several others) made a bit of a difference.


 I mowed my lawn, but there's lots of grass clippings. I'm still broken inside about how someone stole Vinnie.






Great news about my roof - my dad decided to take a second look at it and found that the water ingress would be a lot easier to fix than the $1500 USD I was expecting to have to pay. All in all, it cost about $20-30 to get sorted out. I'm really, really grateful because this takes a lot of stress off my mind.

Feeling upset about poor forest management

This entry is for August 3rd, 2021.


At Eaton Rapids Campmeeting, there was a decision made to sell some of our trees to a logging company. However, the people that did it made a really big mess, left a lot of half-trees laying around, and didn't even thin out any of the dense pine forest (planted in the mid-1990s) that really needed thinning out.

I'm upset about it. I don't know a lot about forestry, but my grandpa does and we decided to go out and take a look at how things ended up.


In many places, the main part of the trunk was removed, leaving the top part of the tree laying around. It's unclear if there's going to be any effort to clean all that up or if it's just going to be left laying around. Many of the old shade trees in one of the camping areas have also been removed, leaving massive stumps all over the place. It was upsetting.

iFrame Native Dialogs

There was a bit of a victory recently -- a two-week moratorium on the changes. Not nearly long enough for redevelopment of much anything, but at least it's something.

I've continued to argue for the delay of removal/opt-in of cross-domain iframe dialogs.

Some interesting ongoing discussion can be found here:

Chromium bugtracker
Due to mass breakage across various industries (hospitals, government, salesforce, with CodePen apparently being the final straw), a two-week moratorium has been issued by the Chromium devteam which reverts this behavior. Microsoft Edge team has already pushed a patch (Edge version 92.0.902.62) to revert the alert changes from upstream Chromium just prior to this. Arguments are being made to raise the moratorium higher due to the large amount of work necessary for the vendor/developer relations to fix things.

See also the 8 blocking/blockers tied to that thread.

Chris Coyier, one of CodePen's co-founders has come to the same conclusion as I did, and has used the cruise control for cool to express it:


Chromium blink-dev google group
Lots of gems in that thread as well.

 I also made additional comments in this thread: (see comment 66 and 67)

Hopefully it'll have some impact.

My bathroom is turning into a beach!

This entry is for August 2nd, 2021


My mom came over again and she came bearing gifts -- more themed items for my bathroom! I'm really grateful for her and thankful for her kindness and creative spirit. Here's how my bathroom looks now:





Isn't it pretty? I feel so much better now. Every time I sit on the toilet, it's like I'm taking a beach vacation. Thanks Mom <3


My dad decided to take a look at my roof himself, which was estimated at costing $1500 to fix. However, he found the real issue, which only cost around $20-30 -- a clogged drain vent pipe overflowing and then flowing down past a loose pipe boot into the ceiling. He's coming over tomorrow again to help me out with it. <3

Tried a new church, spent the rest of the day with my grandparents

This entry is for August 1st, 2021


I've been looking for a new church recently. On the recommendation of some family friends, I tried a particular one nearby. I felt very welcomed when I went there!

The worship was difficult for me. I have a hard time with the more contemporary style of worship: it's loud and it hurts my throat and it difficult to keep up with the tune for me. I prefer more traditional hymns.

The message was alright: it certainly had a decent bit of substance; it felt like the pastor really hit his stride about midway through.

Sermon notes

Community Faith Church, Lansing MI


Speaker: Rev. Pastor Jeff

An underlying issue: the hanging-on of our flesh

Being born again, we are a new creature in Christ. Our flesh defies this re-creation of our selves. The truth is that our sin has been crucified on the cross.

We walk by faith, not by sight; love always starts with Truth.

What does our flesh hold onto that the Truth needs to confront?

A feeling of unworthiness, inability to receive the righteousness inherent to the process of receiving the saving grace of Christ

Righteousness: To be in "right standing" with God.

God has cleared away our unrighteousness. This "right standing" before God is a legal definition of sorts.

Our old (carnal, worldly, sinful) nature is broken by default.

Our nature has been changed, but our default patterns remain. Thus, we must renew our mind

Romans 12:2 NIV (not ref'd by name, just partially quoted)

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Sanctification: the process for showing forth the fruits of righteousness.

Analogy: The transformation of wood to steel: each has its own nature which are in many ways mutually exclusive/incompatible (you cannot stain a piece of steel as you can wood)

Analogy: freed captives (story: abducted women held for years) having to adapt to freedom: there must be a renewal of thinking, renewal of the mind.

Ephesians 2:10 ESV

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

(Emphasis: God's workmanship; The works have been prepared for us in advance.)

Humility: Properly-placed confidence

God tells us we are worthy and righteous, so if we say otherwise then we are speaking in opposition to God.

Sin: The Great Separator The sacrifice of Jesus: The Great Restorer

2 Corinthians 5:21 ESV

For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

Note: Whenever we see the words "in him": this is something that we (the saved) already are.

Isaiah 43:25 ESV

“I, I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins.

The fullest maturity of sin is death.

Romans 5:17 ESV

For if, because of one man’s trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ.

We're in a decaying body. But we're going to be changed and renewed: a regenerated body.

The process now is to grow in the realm of sanctification: pursuing God, renewing our mind in the Truth. We're all in Christ, with equal standing before Him.

1 John 1:8‭-‬9 NIV

If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

What many of us try to do is find a way to make a sin not a sin: saying that if it "feels natural" then it can't be sin. Oh, woe to us to deceive ourselves that way, for of course it feels natural to a person that's been born into sin!

When we're persecuted, we should receive it with a passion! We must pray to connect to our persecutors.

Cleansing is different from covering.

(Analogy: trying to mask a bad scent with cologne: akin to continuing to sin by the false justification of available forgiveness)

James 4:7 NIV

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

Righteousness and sanctification are different: one is our task, one is God's.

I think it was okay, and I certainly felt welcomed which was nice, but I just feel like it's not the right place for me. I'm going to try a different one next week.


After church I went home for a bit to try to organize some files, and got a call from my grandma. We talked for a little while and then I decided to head on over and visit them.

We had a lovely time and had dinner together! We talked about a wide variety of topics (mostly about their historical contributions to Eaton Rapids Campmeeting, the history of the camp and the forests around it. One of the things I've had on my mind for a while is what it would take to spark a real revival. I think that people would be hungry for the message of holiness if only it were preached more often.

I'd brought over my copies of the Power and Praise hymnal so we decided to sing together, my grandma was playing the piano and my grandpa and I were singing. It was fun!

Mixed day of success and disappointment, also got my mom a plant


This morning I woke up bright and early, drove over to Horrocks and got myself some breakfast. I also decided to buy a plant as a gift for my mom, so I took it over there!


We potted it together and talked about various things. :)

Also got to see the family cat:


(He didn't want to hold still for the camera.)

I also spent some time talking about social/cultural/faith issues with my mom and some more time talking seismic waves and faith issues with my dad. He recorded a recent earthquake in Alaska, magnitude 8.2 (really big!)


He also took the seismic data and applied a transform to bring it up to the audible range. You can listen to it here:

In case that link dies...

I highly advise listening to it on a device that can produce a good bass response, or else you won't hear it the low rumbling. This is the seismic data, each number multiplied by 448 to bring it into the audio range that we can hear.

This hissing/water noises are actually cars on the expressway a few miles away from the seismometer.


My day was going to be super productive, or so I thought. But for some reason my emotions took a downturn. I felt all lonely and stuff until one of my closest friends messaged me and we talked a bunch. I also ordered groceries, so that's okay. But it wasn't very productive.


Tomorrow I'm going to visit a new church. It's been a long time since I went to one physically. But I need fellowship. And I'm hoping to make some friends. Entertaining the faint hope that maybe I'll meet someone to make my life a lot less lonely.