motemen puzzle
I became curious about id:motemen's profile image today. Is it a puzzle?
What if we interpret each color as an HTML color code?
#BCCFDE #FCFFF5 #15357C #9AA6B8
#754826 #FEDBCE #F6BFAE #D32925
#9AA2B8 #FDBCB0 #FDAA9A #DB6055
#A4AAAE #30363C #481E11 #4F5054
aburk@aburk:~/Research/motemen-puzzle$ file motemen.png
motemen.png: PNG image data, 400 x 400, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
aburk@aburk:~/Research/motemen-puzzle$ cat color_codes.txt
#BCCFDE #FCFFF5 #15357C #9AA6B8
#754826 #FEDBCE #F6BFAE #D32925
#9AA2B8 #FDBCB0 #FDAA9A #DB6055
#A4AAAE #30363C #481E11 #4F5054
But which order is it in?
Left to right, then top to bottom
aburk@aburk:~/Research/motemen-puzzle$ cat color_codes.txt | tr -d "#" |tr -d " "|tr -d "\n"|xxd -r -p|xxd
00000000: bccf defc fff5 1535 7c9a a6b8 7548 26fe .......5|...uH&.
00000010: dbce f6bf aed3 2925 9aa2 b8fd bcb0 fdaa ......)%........
00000020: 9adb 6055 a4aa ae30 363c 481e 114f 5054 ..`U...06<H..OPT
That doesn't resemble anything particularly useful.
Top to bottom, then left to right
aburk@aburk:~/Research/motemen-puzzle$ for position in $(for word in $(seq 1 4); do echo $word; done); do awk -v position="$position" '{print $position}' color_codes.txt ; done|tr -d '#'|tr -d '\n'
aburk@aburk:~/Research/motemen-puzzle$ for position in $(for word in $(seq 1 4); do echo $word; done); do awk -v position="$position" '{print $position}' color_codes.txt ; done|tr -d '#'|tr -d '\n'|xxd -r -p|xxd
00000000: bccf de75 4826 9aa2 b8a4 aaae fcff f5fe ...uH&..........
00000010: dbce fdbc b030 363c 1535 7cf6 bfae fdaa .....06<.5|.....
00000020: 9a48 1e11 9aa6 b8d3 2925 db60 554f 5054 .H......)%.`UOPT
Clearly I will get the same 3-byte words here, no matter which way I read it. We have 48 bytes from the color codes - this is not a power of 2. Could it be a hash?
I looked up the hash functions that would produce a 48-byte hash.
The only hash function that I can find that produces a 48-byte hash is SHA-384.
Let's write a quick script we can use to test it out:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Sudofox - motemen puzzle tester
if (!@ARGV) {
print "Usage: ./ <48 bytes of hex>\n";
my $hex = $ARGV[0];
my @colorCodes = unpack("(A6)*", $hex);
print <<'HTML';
.motemen-cell { width: 50px; height: 50px; word-break:break-all; text-transform: uppercase; font-size:21px; text-align: center; font-family:monospace; line-height:initial;}
.motemen-holder { display: flex; flex-wrap:wrap; width: 200px;}
<div class="motemen-holder">
foreach my $color(@colorCodes) {
print '<div class="motemen-cell" style="background-color: #' .$color. ';">'.$color.'</div>';
print "</div>\n";
First, the original image:
How about "motemen"?
printf motemen|sha384sum|awk '{print $1}'|xargs ./
I tried the following:
- Hatena
- hatena
- Hironao OTSUBO
- (motemen's publicly-listed email address)
- Hiragana: ひろなおオツボ
However, none of these produced a matching image.
My next thought is "brute-force". We can pull a bunch of webpages related to motemen: github code, HTML, bios, et cetera, and then extract all words from it as tokens. We can then check if a substring of the SHA-384 hash contains one of the sections of 3-byte HTML color-codes.
Unfortunately, I had very little luck finding an effective way of extracting words from HTML documents as tokens. I tried HTML::Extract, HTML::Treebuilder, and HTML::TokeParser, but had very little success.
I had an idea, though! There's another source of keywords, right from Hatena!
It comes in EUC-JP, but everyone uses UTF-8, come on..
First, there's some weird encoding things we need to fix up since it seems a bit broken.
aburk@aburk:~$ cat keywordlist_furigana.csv|tr '\t' '\n' > a.csv; iconv a.csv -f EUC-JP -t UTF-8//IGNORE|sort|uniq > b.csv
aburk@aburk:~$ wc -l b.csv
337408 b.csv
Now, let's try each against our two different ways of reading the colorcodes.
# Motemen Puzzle Tester
function test_word () {
if [[ $COMBO1 == $(echo $INPUT|sha384sum|awk '{print $1}') || $COMBO2 == $(echo $INPUT|sha384sum|awk '{print $1}') ]]; then
echo "MATCH: $INPUT";
while read line
test_word "$line";
This turned out to be way too slow, so I converted the list of keywords into a list of hashes instead.
aburk@aburk:~/Research/motemen-puzzle$ grep bccfdefcfff515357c9aa6b8754826fedbcef6bfaed329259aa2b8fdbcb0fdaa9adb6055a4aaae30363c481e114f5054 ~/b_hashed.txt
aburk@aburk:~/Research/motemen-puzzle$ grep bccfde7548269aa2b8a4aaaefcfff5fedbcefdbcb030363c15357cf6bfaefdaa9a481e119aa6b8d32925db60554f5054 ~/b_hashed.txt
aburk@aburk:~/Research/motemen-puzzle$ grep bccfde ~/b_hashed.txt
aburk@aburk:~/Research/motemen-puzzle$ grep bccfde ~/b_hashed.txt --color
aburk@aburk:~/Research/motemen-puzzle$ grep bccfde ~/b_hashed.txt --color|grep fcfff5
Alas, I was once again unsuccessful. At this point, I'm going to guess that it's not a puzzle! But, I did give it my best shot, and learned some things along the way, so I can say that I'm satisfied :)