sudofox's journal

Austin Burk's journal, where I share little snippets of my writing, code, and dreams.

Did a lot of work on the touch pressure calibration routine


It's actually a fairly simple linear function:

The first gif shows how the Max Force Value and user-selected max brush size factor into the calculation. The next gif shows the UI for the touch pressure calibration routine



I got really tired today so I wasn't able to completely finish it. I got a bit overconfident and didn't separate my git branches so it's holding a few things back. Oh well, I guess they'll be late by a few days.


No photo, but I had a burger and fries with my mom, homemade. It was nice!



Watched WandaVision and started work on drying out my house

I've been having some trouble with figuring out what to write about, even with my "subject and short blurb" format. I think I'm just tired from working nonstop lately. Can't catch a break....


I finally watched WandaVision and it was pretty awesome, I was really confused for quite a while about how Wanda was even around after Endgame but then I realized that I was thinking of the wrong character that died so yeah there's that.


I fixed a couple small things but nothing to write home about.

It's really wonderful to see people enjoying Sudo Haiku.


My basement has a lot of water in it, and my roof needs to be repaired. It's been raining constantly and it's a bit of a struggle right now.


Did some more work on the painting tool


Paint Tool
- Added customizable color palette with classic Oekaki default colors
- Fixed bug with making painted replies
- Color palette preview now adjusts icon color to contrast correctly
- Added confirmation before submit
- Added download button
- Fix various other bugs

- Made some changes to make usage on mobile easier


I had some chicken and applesauce

More heavy storms are coming, and my house isn't ready for them



I have had to spend a fair bit of time trying to mitigate the effects of the weather, including flooding of my basement and my roof leaking.

It's hard to say this, but I sometimes wonder if I should've waited a bit longer before picking my house. I'm fairly peeved that the basement flooding wasn't mentioned in the disclosure since it's really obvious that it's not a new thing -- the way the water pools up against the house due to the grading of the driveway and the way the sidewalk is a bit sunken, the way it comes out of the walls in many different places, it bothers me something fierce.

(Also, only a few of my electrical outlines have ground prongs, and there's not nearly enough of them, and the ones I do have barely hold the plugs (they tend to fall otu) making half the outlets in my house pretty useless. Argh!!



I did a bit more work on the drawing tool for Sudo Haiku today. It's not ready for release yet. No idea how to get a flood-fill tool working.


Roof leaking, basement flooded

I'd add more images but my regular phone is charging and it's very difficult to get the Hatena Notation for Fotolife images on mobile

I'm marking this post as from yesterday but I was just too tired to write it so I'm doing it today

This is looking like it could be kinda expensive


Not feeling very good today


Did some more work on the paint tool


I did some more work on the drawing tool. I added a new brush, though it has some glitches at higher pressure values that I need to work out.

I want to make this the best that it can be; once I add the bare-minimum needed to function as a painting tool, I plan to release it and then aggressively update it once I receive feedback.


It rained all day and thundered a little bit. I like thunderstorms, so it was nice!

Started working on a drawing tool today


I'm very new to all of this, so the development may be gradual. I'd like to make something that's comfortable to use, but it may take. I stayed up late and worked on it after work today and it can do things like pressure sensitivity and stroke smoothing.


I cleaned my kitchen up today, though there's still a few things left to do. 


I haven't heard back from the transmission shop yet about what's going on with my truck. I'm hoping the issue isn't serious.


My mom just called me. I'm going to housesit for them while they're away for a few days. I'm looking forward to seeing the family cat 😁