sudofox's journal

Austin Burk's journal, where I share little snippets of my writing, code, and dreams.

Watched WandaVision and started work on drying out my house

I've been having some trouble with figuring out what to write about, even with my "subject and short blurb" format. I think I'm just tired from working nonstop lately. Can't catch a break....


I finally watched WandaVision and it was pretty awesome, I was really confused for quite a while about how Wanda was even around after Endgame but then I realized that I was thinking of the wrong character that died so yeah there's that.


I fixed a couple small things but nothing to write home about.

It's really wonderful to see people enjoying Sudo Haiku.


My basement has a lot of water in it, and my roof needs to be repaired. It's been raining constantly and it's a bit of a struggle right now.