sudofox's journal

Austin Burk's journal, where I share little snippets of my writing, code, and dreams.

More heavy storms are coming, and my house isn't ready for them



I have had to spend a fair bit of time trying to mitigate the effects of the weather, including flooding of my basement and my roof leaking.

It's hard to say this, but I sometimes wonder if I should've waited a bit longer before picking my house. I'm fairly peeved that the basement flooding wasn't mentioned in the disclosure since it's really obvious that it's not a new thing -- the way the water pools up against the house due to the grading of the driveway and the way the sidewalk is a bit sunken, the way it comes out of the walls in many different places, it bothers me something fierce.

(Also, only a few of my electrical outlines have ground prongs, and there's not nearly enough of them, and the ones I do have barely hold the plugs (they tend to fall otu) making half the outlets in my house pretty useless. Argh!!



I did a bit more work on the drawing tool for Sudo Haiku today. It's not ready for release yet. No idea how to get a flood-fill tool working.