sudofox's journal

Austin Burk's journal, where I share little snippets of my writing, code, and dreams.

I ran OS X in a virtual machine


I can't afford to buy my own Mac, so in order to fix a lot of annoying Safari bugs, I spent a while getting OS X to run in VirtualBox. Unfortunately, the USB ports on my computer don't work, so I couldn't do remote debugging on my old iPhone. However, Safari on OS X allowed me to find and fix many bugs.


I wrote more code today. I improved user safety controls on the thing I'm working on.


The wedding is tomorrow. I had to put the bed cover back onto my truck, which was difficult for one person to do. My mom wants me to help move stuff over with my truck.


My stolen mower has not been recovered. It's been almost three weeks.

Hatena Star

I proposed fixes to Hatena Star's mobile colorpalette, but I have never had very much luck getting Hatena to accept any suggested changes. If they were accepted, Hatena Star on mobile would be able to show the purple star button correctly, which it doesn't consistently do at this time.

If my changes were accepted, I would be able to do this (show a template when a user does not have any of one type of star):


I am adjusting the opacity of the palette inside the iframe in this gif to show how they line up properly. It works because the iframe'd document has no background color, so I can show my 'stencil' underneath.


I forgot to eat dinner today due to working on code and preparing for my sister's wedding.


I am worried that my project will not be well-received or that people will not use it. I am doing my best to make it work very well.