sudofox's journal

Austin Burk's journal, where I share little snippets of my writing, code, and dreams.

I got a new pair of glasses


I actually got them yesterday but forgot to mention it. They have the same frame as my old ones, but everything is amazingly crystal-clear and I don't have to take them off to read anymore.


Today for the project I'm working on a settings page and added an accessibility setting to enable furigana.

I can't seem to focus on anything but this project — it's getting very close to being ready. I want to make it really good. I'm worried that nobody will use it, but I'm still hopeful.


I'm a bit stressed about my sister's wedding which is on Friday. There's a lot of work that goes into getting ready for a wedding.


My stolen lawnmower still has not been recovered.

Hatena API

I discovered a new Hatena API endpoint today that I had not previously documented. However, it doesn't provide any information that was not already provided by other endpoints.



A box of Goldfish crackers, my new curtains, and a set of cookie/biscuit cutters for my kitchen.



Green peas and pork chop